Please select a date for your presentation on this document. Then, compose a short blog post (500-1000 words) to publish on the class website.

We will invite you to be a contributor on our ghost platform the week before your selected post date. Accept the invite within 7 days – the invite may go to spam.

The day before your post, please post a draft of your text, and we will publish the blog post for you. Topics can vary, but you may want to consider writing on:

  • Your definition or understanding of critical digital pedagogy
  • A response to one of the films we'll be watching
  • A response to a reading from Unit 2 or 3 depending on when you sign up
  • Your thoughts on any of the four areas of focus for Unit 2 or 3
  • An update on your research
  • Anything else that feels relevant or important that you wish to communicate to the class

Previous blog posts are linked below to provide you examples of the range of topics.